Wednesday, June 30, 2010

To explain all the hubbub.

Exciting news! So the reason behind all our sleepless nights and lack of posts: J and I are starting our very own creative arts studio! Coming 2011: SusanDraws illustrated letterpress printed paper goods! Woot!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Three seconds to system shut down....3.....2......1.........

Monday, June 28, 2010


After watching Toy Story 3 (in 3D!), I came home with warm fuzzy feelies and a completely renewed appreciation for Fred. Fred was gifted to me when I was born and became a favorite drag-around (with short-lived affairs with a scarf-wearing penguin and a multicolored parrot in between). In high school, Fred acquired his very useful function for becoming the filler between my bed and wall so my pillows and blanket wouldn’t keep falling down the gap. He faithfully served this function when I took him to college, then post college, and still sits smiling on/next to my bed with his head sticking out from under my other pillows to this day.

Friday, June 25, 2010

All Here.

All the stuff I bought online last week have arrived! Huzzah! I love receiving packages, even when they’re purchased and sent to myself by myself!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I don’t know what it is about eating, but I always end up pondering deep and inscrutable questions about life and existence between noms. The most difficult question of them all: “Should I diet?” After which whatever I happen to be eating at the moment will suddenly and inexplicably become 10 times more delicious in my mouth than it had been before the question was presented and the answer will be clear as day: JUST NOM.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Game Day.

The best thing about watching sports is the food. The best thing about watching sports at work is the food that is all mine because the boys are busy being heated up and yelling things at the TV.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I made three different online purchases last week, and I can fairly sit still in anticipation as they are all due to arrive this week!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Fat Face.

My print instructor the other day during a weekly workshop: “You have a fat face.” I turned around in shock to find that she was talking about a typeface one of the students had chosen to set into a print.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I am loved. I am active. I am dreaming. I am happy.


I asked for icecream and he brought a melted orange creamsicle. Giant seagulls are hard to train.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Drawing at strange hours of the night equals strange drawing.
I like drawing birds and bowties and balloons and black-framed glasses and telephone poles and mixing odd colors, I do, yes, I do!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


After an impulsive 30 day move-out notice and two weeks of rabid searching, poring through listings day in and day out, being misled by blatantly fabricated descriptions of condos located in treacherously poverty-stricken neighborhoods, we finally lowered anchor back at our original house when J pulled the SOS and called our landlord to say that actually we don’t want to move out anymore, kay thanks. Our two story, two bedroom, two bathroom condo with ample natural light and all appliances included in a clean and quiet neighborhood filled with parks and free roaming rabbits never looked so good after a voyage out at sea.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Mr. Chicken.

Friendly gentleman Mr. Chicken is always here to lend you a navigational hand when you are lost for words, have lost your keys, or lost in jumbled city streets.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


This is me happily smothering myself with my own hair just to smell it; it smells so darn good! Dove Shampoo FTW!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Hi everyone, meet Dane: Quite possibly the prettiest, most daintiest looking man with a beard I've ever seen in my life. He was our apartment leasing agent and it was impossible not to stare at him sitting so prettily behind his desk with his wispy, shiny brown hair and oversized suite complete with shiny purple paisley tie…and of course, the beard. I would honestly not be surprised if he turned out to be two toddlers stacked on top of each other impersonating a grown man.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


A recurring conversation most commonly heard whilst taking pictures due to the fact that my already mismatched eyes (left eye smaller than the right) apparently becomes skewed beyond belief through camera viewfinders. Exasperated photographers get annoyed thinking I am doing some sort of bizarre pseudo-wink while on my end I'm opening both eyes so wide they may as well rip at the seams.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday Already.

So sleepy... If anyone finds Weekend, tell it I'm looking for it so it better get it's butt back here.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Dreamer 4

Cheers and admiration to all the fearless, contagious, and ferocious dreamers in our lives!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


J’s vast capacity to dream surpasses all my practicality and self-wrought limitations. She takes me from “I think I can do only this” to “I probably most likely definitely CAN do everything plus this!”

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I have a tendency to hide behind practicality, driving me to unflinching inflexibility when it comes to my set plans. My plans are more ritual and habit than aspiration and dreams. They keep me nice and grounded and comfortable, which is how I like my life to be… sometimes. Sometimes not so much.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


This week’s posts are dedicated to my inspiration and fellow artist and roomie and bff J. Today is J’s birthday. I greatly admire and appreciate J because she is a born dreamer and visionary, with a ridiculously contagious gusto for life and for the future that never fails to cause me as well to aspire for impossibly greater things. These (to be) four paneled illustrations are inspired by snippets from actual conversations we have had.