Friday, May 28, 2010

PB&J 4.

THE END to PB&J's little wierd love story and cutesy cuteness.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

PB&J 3.

Jelly is back and my breakfast is now complete! Honey bunches of oats cereal, fat free milk + PB&J = breakfast of champions!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

PB&J 2

The other day I stopped by home to grab dinner (PB&J sammich, naturally) before shooting off to my other engagements for the evening. I grabbed a slice of bread and put upon half of it my organic chunky peanut butter and opened the fridge to grab my sugar free strawberry jam, but in its regular place betwixt the pepperoncini and cough syrup was…nothing. A desperate search and a text later, I discovered that my roommate had taken it to work thinking it was hers. It was a sad day for Susan and a sad day for lonely peanut butter.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I sure do love me my peanut butter and jelly sammiches, be it for breakfast, lunch, snack, or dinner! Especially with soft orowheat double fiber bread, they make quite the happies in my mouth :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bid Thee Farewell.

Driven by the hankering for chocolatey frozen yogurt goodness, I stopped by Golden Spoon at the end of lunch break and ordered my customary mini-sized half just-chocolate/half cake-batter concoction only to find that I had LEFT MY WALLET AT WORK. I was so sad to leave yogurt-less I forgot to be embarrassed.


Just felt like drawing myself shocked. You will most likely find shocked Susan down Aisle 4: Realizing she’s the last to find out about a friend’s bday/ layoff/ engagement/ breakup/ wedding/ pregnancy (in no significant order).

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


So the temperature decided that it didn’t want to be summer anymore and took a sharp turn and completely plunged this week, leaving me literally out in the cold because I had packed up all my winter clothes and put them away just this past weekend, the exception being this one gray long sleeved shirt I had forgotten to pack away with the rest. It wasn't until I was at work with my jacket off that I realized how off-shoulder this shirt was, and how hot pink my bra straps were, resulting in quite the inappropriate work attire.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Flat Tire 2.

Sitting in the rain waiting for AAA yet again (, this time a back tire, and this time in front of the office. LOL!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Silent Protest.

When I was a teenager and I didn’t want to go to school, I would silently protest the tyranny of the public education system by getting back into bed fully dressed and refusing to move. My mother would then storm upstairs and slap my butt back out of bed, stuff breakfast in my mouth, and shove me out into the mercilessly cold wilderness of puberty and teenage angst. A decade later I am in bed again employing this age-old tried-and-failed tactic except what forces me out of bed is not my momma with threats of death-in-theory but by the harsh realities of this world with threats of actual death via starvation should I refuse to go to work and bring in the monies. Thus, it is with resolute quiet that I stuff breakfast in my mouth and shove myself out into the mercilessly cold wilderness of adulthood and societal responsibility.

Friday, May 14, 2010


I’ve somehow gone and developed this nasty habit of playing with my gum whilst working and by doing so, also significantly lowered my typing speed, as it impairs one of two hands. I’ve deduced that this is the direct result of sitting and facing a computer monitor for eight hours a day every day, rendering all previously learned social and hygienic codes of conduct null and void from pure lack of human interaction.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

H.Pylori 2.

So I woke up early to see my doctor before work today for H.Pylori treatment only to find out that 80-90% of the Korean population has it and that treatment is not necessary at all. I wish the doctor would have told me this VERY IMPORTANT information over the phone instead of causing much consternation by saying only “you better come in and get it treated”, causing me to wake up early and stick myself in morning traffic just to fork over 30 bucks copay for a 3 minute chat with the doctor confirming my appointment to be pointless. I’m switching doctors.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Super Power.

If I could have ANY super power in the world, I would most definitely opt for x-ray vision and use it to choose the most perfectly ripest, crunchiest watermelon in the market. Watermelon is my favorite summer fruit and it drives me nuts choosing watermelon without superpowers because I can never tell by stupidly knocking on it whether it is good or not, and always end up bringing the nerd of the bunch home. Also, I would want to fly. And I get two superpowers because I'm speshul so there.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Helicobacter Pylori.

Meet my secret admirer, Helicobacter Pylori.
He (and his colony) is a jolly bunch of common (in third world countries) and easily treatable (in the course of two weeks) bacterium that has apparently been living happily in my stomach of which I had no idea about (that explains the nausea) until my doctor left me a voicemail cheerfully announcing that my blood test results “looks great!” and that “nothing is out of place!” but also that “oh by the way you tested positive for Helicobacter Pylori bacteria! Have a great day! Bye!”

Monday, May 10, 2010

Back Pain.

I incurred upon myself some back pain while – of all things – taking a zumba dance class at my gym. I am totally crazy about (and go crazy in) that class but my spine would most sincerely appreciate if I could digress a little from the “pump-it” for the time being, thank you very much.

Friday, May 7, 2010


There's bear hugs, and then there's teddy-bear hugs.
Have a happy Friday!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I love dresses because they are so incredibly, amazingly comfy and do not require any pre-meditated top/bottom coordination. It is basically like pulling an oversized t-shirt on for work (sans pants) and everyone thinking you are dressed up. woot!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Was in a rush and left my phone at home, leaving myself haplessly phoneless all day. I felt nervous and naked and insecure imagining all the emergency texts and phone calls that could possibly incur, and nearly caused myself to reinstate my long-gone high school habit of nail biting in order to eke a shard of comfort into my cold, disconnected, phoneless day.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


New shirt dress and sunny cali weather means time to frolic about without a care in the world!! .. sadly, not outside in the sun lest I get incited for abandoning my job post which I am quite required to care much about. For now, skipping down the hallways decorated most thoughtfully by randomly-placed government-issue sexual harassment and first aid posters lit by sickly green fluorescent lights will have to do.

Monday, May 3, 2010


My eyes have been so dry these past few days that I have been forced to wear my glasses....IN PUBLIC. Now this is a big deal when you so happen to be blind as a bat (-13, baby) and donning, nay ARMING, your eyes with what looks like two magnifying glasses fashioned into a pair of spectacles. I would not be surprised if, whilst traipsing about in the wilderness, sunlight got focused off these dratted specs and caused a chain of massive wildfires. With great power comes great responsibility…to stay indoors.