Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Friday

Spent the morning helping to turn an overslept and stressed out roomie into a harajuku girl for her office's epic costume contest. then donned a boring old shirt, boring old pants, boring old boots, boring old makeup and trudged into work 30 minutes late. why yes, i was (and am) incredibly dissappointed that our company doesn't do costumes, how did you know.

Spent copious amounts of time jealously looking at friends' play-by-play updates of crazy office costume parties. the end.


  1. But do you really want to have a costume party with all of the boring ajuhsees at your work?

  2. come on, what are you 5 years old??

    ok, bad question.

  3. but costumes are so fun! :(
    (anthony you better watch yo back I got my snipers on you)


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