Friday, January 22, 2010

Bad Fred.

Today I woke up to find a pretty ferocious scar on my tummy. I'm convinced it was Fred finally striking back after years and years of being crammed facedown between my bed and the wall to serve as a space filler so my other more favored bed-fellows (read: pillows) don't fall through the crack.


  1. Do you remember Bonnie? She has been replaced by another bunny - Connie.

  2. gasp! how could you christine! bonnie will come back and scratch your face in vengeance.

  3. FRED~!!! hoho I remember him.

    Sad looking fellow. Definitely looked abused.
    My countless whispers of scratch her entrails out must have had an effect after all


  4. i told you~!
    you shouldn't keep him there.
    hehe but i told him not to scratch you no more. ^-^


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