Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Phone Service.

For some reason geeky middle-aged boys find my phone voice alluring. alluring enough, apparently, to turn even the most upright of gentlemen into giggling perverts that will dribble quotable gems that range from descriptive awe ("your voice is so soft...") to slightly flattering ("you should be a radio DJ") to fetishistic ("What is your shoe-size?"), though the worst ones of all are the ones that don't talk at all... but just breath heavily into the receiver until i hang up.


  1. ewwwwww boys are stupid sometimes! UGH they think they can woo you by creeping you out! YUCK!

  2. should be like Mae West and use it to your advantage...minus the sensual stuff of course.

  3. U should burp really loud into the receiver...loud and loooooong

    Keep a coke at hand for just such an occasion


Show me some LOVE~ <3