Friday, November 6, 2009


Friday is the best day EVAR!!! Therefore it only makes absolute sense that if Friday were a person, he'd be HAWT. Because friday is awesome like that, and because if i'm going to draw myself tackling someone, i might as well be tackling someone hot. like friday. because he's hot. because i say so. because this is MY blog not yours and i can draw whatever i WANT :)


  1. Friday is probably an uber ugly middle aged man with a pot belly derived from happy hours and lazying around the sofa with bags of chips and ice cream.

    It is probably Tuesday or Wednesday that is intelligent,put together, and overall presentable.

    Tsk Tsk Tsk

  2. nooooooooooo!!!!!
    Tuesday is feminine.
    Wednesday is a boring IT nerd.
    Friday is the hotness :P


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