Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Watermelon Killer.

Watermelon makes me ONE HAPPY CRITTER.

I loved watermelon so much as a kid, adults used to say I should marry a guy with last name Park so my married name would become “Sue Park” (watermelon in Korean).

I love watermelon so much now, on the weekends I eat nothing but watermelon all day for all meals unless someone coaxes me out of the house to eat regular food.

But sometimes I come across people that don’t eat watermelon and it makes me very very very sad for them.

I cannot imagine how dark their lives could be without the presence of marvelous wonderful spectacular watermelon.

And then I suddenly realize that with one less person eating watermelon in the world: MORE WATERMELON FOR ME.

Calling all melon-allergic people to be my new best friends.



Show me some LOVE~ <3