Monday, April 19, 2010


I have a coffee table in my room I utilize as a desk as it is the same height as my bed and enables me to use my laptop on my tummy from under my so-warm down comforter.
Imagine my abject horror when suddenly this GIANT ROACH just SHIMMIES UP ONTO MY BED from the space between my bed and desk and into the space BETWEEN MY ARMS and nearly POPS RIGHT INTO MY MOUTH (AHHHHH!!!!!!) AHHHHHHH!!!! (AHHHHH!!!) AHHHHHH!!!!! (AHHHHHH!!!!) It would be a gross understatement to say that I am thoroughly and irreversibly traumatized for life.


  1. That must been quite a shock huh?
    I would too!

  2. whats up with all these roaches in your house? You should call an exterminator

  3. I think on hindsight it may have been a beetle... cause it wasn't flat like roaches tend to be. but i'm too scared to google search cause i don't want to be bombarded by bug pictures >_<


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