Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Super Power.

If I could have ANY super power in the world, I would most definitely opt for x-ray vision and use it to choose the most perfectly ripest, crunchiest watermelon in the market. Watermelon is my favorite summer fruit and it drives me nuts choosing watermelon without superpowers because I can never tell by stupidly knocking on it whether it is good or not, and always end up bringing the nerd of the bunch home. Also, I would want to fly. And I get two superpowers because I'm speshul so there.


  1. i appreciate the subtle dig at us nerds.

    i think u'd rather have the superpower to reach inside and touch the watermelon without destroying the watermelon. it's about the feel not the sight.

  2. ewwww no thanks!!! why don't you just have the superpower to reach your face inside and snatch a bite without destroying the watermelon. it's about taste not touch LOLLL

  3. i wouldn't want to risk tasting a bad watermelon...

  4. my superpower would be to wrap you in lead so you couldn't use x-ray vision.

  5. silly pangster, my xray vision can see through anything. also it enables all lead-wraps to turn into snuggie-wraps.


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