Thursday, March 29, 2012

Old Habits.

Old habits die hard.

The first thing I’ve always done every time my phone alarm jolts me awake in the morning, for the entirety of my adult life, is to just randomly whip and whap my right hand all over my side table looking for my glasses so I can get out of bed as a seeing person. Even way after after my ICL surgery I still catch myself doing this before belatedly realizing that I don't wear glasses anymore!


  1. So glad your ICL surgery went well! I've got my first appointment on Monday to get my regular yearly check up then I get to make another appointment to see if I can get it done too! *crosses fingers!*
    And if I do get it done I'm sure I'll be doing the same thing, trying to find my glasses in the wee hours of the morning O.o

  2. Ooh awesome! I hope they declare you a good candidate! :D Do keep me updated :)

  3. <_<

  4. I've got my surgery scheduled for this coming Monday! I just had that yag laser thing done yesterday and HOLY CRAP that hurt. The nurses kept telling me "it's not bad, most people don't feel a thing!" They LIED...Ah well, at least I'll be knocked out for the next part! :)

  5. I know I didn't like the YAG laser ONE BIT >_< eeeekkkkkkk thank goodness we only have to ever do it once ha!
    Congrats on your upcoming surgery!!! *throws confetti*


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